Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Nearing Full Term

It's been a while since I've done an update about the baby because all systems have been pretty stable over time.  I am now 34 weeks, nearly full term!  Never did I anticipate that I would actually be this far along and holding steady.

I ran the gauntlet of tests a few weeks ago, with a fluid check last week.  This baby is growing right on par, and the doctors think that he will be bigger than Lincoln.  That's okay, but I just want him small for the delivery!  There were 2 changes this past visit.  First, the top portion of the right kidney is shrinking.  It's where all of the cysts are.  This is kind of neutral news.  Since that part of the kidney is not really functioning anyway, it may just be trying to extinguish itself.  The other change-- the baby's bladder was more full than we have seen it.  This may be because the utererocele is getting larger and blocking more, or it could be because the baby hadn't peed in a while.  The fluid levels remain in the "normal - high" range, so neither one of these changes is really concerning.  Dr. Lee did mention that we may have to get surgery for the baby right away instead of a few weeks/months out, but we really won't know until we get closer to delivery.

I finally met with the doctor that will supposedly deliver me.  He is a high-risk doctor and practices with a team at the Brigham.  He was recommended by Dr. Hardiman and I really liked him.  However, since he is part of a team, it is unlikely that I will actually deliver with him (Dr. H delivers 95% of all of her own babies) and since I am not high-risk, the baby is, he said that I can keep following up with Dr. H.  We will meet once more when I am full term to go over birth plans, etc.  He also doesn't see a reason that I would need a c-section, so we are shooting for spontaneous labor.  (Give me 3 more weeks then start praying for that--induction sounds miserable).

I also met with the NICU doctor.  So, our baby is a borderline baby.  Other than his kidneys, he is doing well.  We could probably fight to keep him in the well-baby nursery, but the NICU team is more equipped to do all of the monitoring and tests that we will need to have done after delivery.  As much as I want our baby in my room with me, I know that we are delivering at this hospital for these tests.  I would much rather suffer a day or two of only being able to visit my baby than bringing him home and constantly worrying that something will go wrong.  I know it will be so hard, but with luck, they will only need to monitor him for a day or two and we will be discharged home together.

As far as normal baby things go, we are getting closer to being ready.  We bought a mini crib for him (no way is Lincoln going to be ready for a big bed until he's 19 or 20...), we're washing clothes, and we are 85% sure we have a name for him!  We'll go to the hospital with 2 names, but we're pretty sure which one will win out. :)  Just having a crib and name for him have made me feel less stressed, which has significantly lowered my Braxton-Hicks contractions...

1 comment:

  1. What another exciting glad to hear things continue to progress. Karen and James both have NOV birthdays and either would welcome sharing their date with your little guy. : ) Thanks for the update..we continue to pray for you and the new addition. - Deb Walters
