Thursday, September 12, 2013

Aiming for Full Term!

I spent another afternoon at Children's Hospital last week, going through the whole gauntlet of ultrasounds and doctor meetings.  Every time they do an ultrasound, they measure each of the baby's limbs, brain and heart structures, etc before spending extensive time with the kidneys.  I love watching him roll and move around, but when it comes to the kidneys, I had to close my eyes.  I kept scaring myself by incorrect interpretations, and really, we already know something is wrong there.  This little guy took a long time to measure because he was constantly rolling and kicking around in there.  His arms with both fully extended (which is rare because we haven't seen them leave his face yet) and he was doing the little "shooters" with his fingers--just like Lincoln does.  Unfortunately, despite his moving and rolling around, he kept his face burrowed into me so we never even saw his profile or his face.

The results: fluid levels are still within the normal range.  Meeting with Dr. Lee was really great.  We talked a lot about delivery and post birth.  He sees no reason why we can't aim for full term!  Just 8 weeks ago, I was being asked to terminate and now we are shooting for week 40!  And because kidney problems are serious but not of immediate concern (like cardiac or lung problems), he says there is no reason why I can't go into spontaneous labor and push this baby out the old fashioned way.  I am so excited about that!  Less excited by the number of doctors, nurses, residents, fellows, etc. who will be in the delivery room with me, but I was so dreading a c-section (1. Because it is a major surgery and 2. because I wouldn't be able to pick up Lincoln for 6 weeks).

Here is even better news.  While this baby is still going to need surgery after birth, there is a good chance that we can take him home before he needs it!  Last time we met, Dr. Lee thought he would have to perform surgery hours after birth, but ideally, he would like to wait until the baby is 2 or 3 months old (we're aiming for weeks right now).  He encouraged me to talk with the team and make it clear that as long as there aren't other problems, I want that skin to skin time immediately after birth and that first feeding.  If he is stable medically, I should be able to have a few hours with him.  I am so thrilled about this news.  I was worried that while I am away from Lincoln for the first time, they would also whisk my baby away for surgery before I even got to hold him.  I told Chris to follow that baby wherever he goes, but it is nice thinking that I may not be left alone right away.

Of course, this is all best case scenario news, but for once in my life, I am optimistic about this situation (which is pretty uncharacteristic of me).  Things can still change and my baby will still need surgery and will still be in the NICU, but for now, it seems like we can push some of our worries away for a few months--until this baby comes.  For now, I think my biggest worry may be what to name this active little boy.


  1. alright!! that's great news!! And to think...what if you had been the type of person to even consider to terminate 8 weeks ago?? You'd never had made it to this point of actual full term goal! I'm just glad things are looking up and you can contemplate a very positive birthing experience. What to name...same problem here!

  2. Allie and Chris, this is such wonderful uplifting news. Prayers will continue...

  3. So excited to read your last post...prayers continue as you get closer to delivery. Can't wait to meet the little and Chris are amazing..
