Monday, January 19, 2015

Jett's Third Surgery

Jett has his third surgery scheduled for Friday, January 23rd.  This is the big one, the one that we have been "putting off" until he gets bigger.  And now that time has come.  We got as close to a "clean bill of health" as we could in November from nephrology.  His kidneys have been functioning so close to normal since he was born that we get to space our appointments out every 6 months.  However, we got different news in December when we went to visit urology.  Jett had a ultrasound and VCUG done that showed that he still has significant reflux back into his kidneys.  A lot of people have reflux and it isn't a big deal.  However, because his kidneys are already damaged, he is at increased risk of scarring and permanent damage if he should ever have a UTI infection that get refluxed back up to his kidneys.  This surgery will essentially repair the reflux.  There is also a hole or gap in his bladder muscle from his first surgery when his utererocele was removed a year ago.  Dr. Lee will also correct that.  Finally, he will also get the second half of the teste descent surgery at this point.  In June, the blood vessel to his right teste was cut (the testicle is currently sitting in his abdomen) and Dr. Lee is hoping to bring it down into place.  To sum it up, Jett will have one large incision over his bladder (diaper line), several for tools and scoping, and one in his scrotum.  He will be in a significant amount of pain.  If everything goes well, he should be in the hospital for 4-5 days.

We are grateful that Dr. Lee is able to combine two potential surgeries into one.  Originally, he was thinking about doing the teste surgery first then waiting at least 6 weeks before doing the big surgery.  However, since I am due in March (yes, I'm pregnant), and I expressed my desire to be in the hospital with him (which I clearly couldn't do with a newborn), he thought about it and decided that he would be able to combine the two surgeries.  That was blessing number one.  Number two is that my sister is able to come out and help watch Lincoln so that Chris and I can both be at the hospital.  As soon as she found out that I was pregnant with Jett and that he would have medical problems, she offered to come out and help with Lincoln.  Neither of the other surgeries were lengthy, so friends out here were able to watch Link.  This one is quite a bit more intensive and I am so grateful that she has been open to whenever it would happen.  I am also grateful to her husband and those who are helping to watch her children so that she could come watch mine.

As we head into this final surgery, you would think that I am prepared.  I have done this before.  But really, I am a complete mess--a hyperventilate in the dark kind of mess.  Every time we have a doctor's appointment, I break down because I have to face the fact that my child is not a healthy child; despite his cheerful demeanor, he still has a chronic disease.  However, surgery is different.  They carry your child away from you, put him to sleep, and all I can do is wait to hear his screams and count how many times they tried for an IV before they finally got one.  Last time was 8 tries.  Now that he is a little older and is starting to get some separation anxiety, they will let one parent go back to watch and be with him while he goes under.  I was so glad to hear that until they said it would have to be Chris because I am pregnant.  This is the first time that pregnancy has gotten in the way of me being able to comfort my baby.  But at least Chris will be there for him.  I don't know how I will make it to the waiting room by myself, but I am so glad that Chris will get to be there for a short time with Jett Jett.

This is going to sound a little pretentious and ridiculous, but I have received many answers and blessings that said that Jett Jett was made specifically for me.  I got my blond haired, green/hazel eyed baby.  He loves hugs and kisses and me, in general.  He is quick to giggle.  Everything about him (minus those inevitable grumpy nights) makes me so happy.  I'm not saying that I don't love Lincoln or get along with him, but you know when someone was just made for you?  It makes it that much harder that I can't take his pains away.  I would do anything to be on that operating table on Friday, but all I can do is just walk away.  I can't even go back with him, and that breaks my heart.

As always, if this finds any of you, I ask you to pray for our family this week.  For Dr. Lee, the surgeon, that his mind will be clear and his hand guided during the surgery; for Jett, that his body will respond well to the surgery and he will be able to handle the pain and heal well; for Chris and me, that we will be able to take care of our sweet boy and know what he needs from us; and for Lincoln, that he will not be so anxious and scared while his parents are away but that he will find comfort at home. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Allie, your family and especially Jett are constantly in my prayers and I hope all is still going well and that Jett is recovering quickly. Love you and I will keep sending my prayers up for you.
