Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Newest Taylor

This is how I was planning on telling our family and friends about Lincoln's little brother to be.  This is how I was planning on announcing to the world that on December 2, 2013, our family would grow again.
We went to the ultrasound to find out the gender and came out with bad news.  This baby has kidney disease and is unlikely to survive.
One of his kidneys has almost completely ceased to function and the other one is showing signs of distress as well.   The chances are so slim that the specialist I saw told me that I had the option to terminate now. 
No.  For me, that is not and never will be an option.
I know that this baby is exactly who our Father in Heaven wants and needs him to be.  For now, we can only wait and see what happens.  Either way, this baby will not make it to full term.  Chris and I are hoping to make it to make it to 32 weeks, or as long as possible.  I am 21 weeks right now.
I know that nothing short of a miracle and the will of the Lord will save this sweet baby. We would greatly appreciate your support and prayers for the newest member of our family.


  1. I will be super praying for you. That is not easy. Love to you and your WHOLE family.

  2. I admire your strong faith Allie. I know this is so very difficult for you and your family but you are able to keep in mind what the Lord would want. Y'all will be in our thoughts and prayers.

  3. Allie and family, the Burkharts have been and will continue to pray for you and your sweet baby boy.

  4. Allie, sympathy and prayers. I can't imagine the roller coaster of emotions you've had...are having...will have. Love you!

  5. I'll donate a kidney! And I'm praying my heart out! love you guys.
